It's arrived! A nice parcel yesterday containing almost everything I ordered for the camping trip. The only thing now to come is a sleeping mat, which should be here for this weekend.
Of course as soon as I got home I had to see how the tent looked, so R and I put it up in the garden.
It's bigger than we thought it would be, so not such a tight squeeze after all. But it's incredibly light - we weighed it at 1.8 kg. Much easier to carry than our old one.
So the Sandlings Walk camping trip is now on for this weekend. Three days and 60 miles. I have managed to book one camp site, but the other won't take a booking for just one night at a weekend which is very annoying. There aren't a lot of other options either so I'm going to try and persuade him tomorrow. What's the point of having a campsite right on a trail if through walkers can't use it?
The other option would be to pitch up somewhere hidden in the forest, but that might be taking things too far for this first trip.
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1 comment:
Nice tent. Nice colours, too! We put ours up in the garden - well only half up. It was bigger than we remembered and it didn't fit very well! But it's in good working order, and we're off to Southwold this weekend. Hope the weather's reasonable!
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